The digital content creation is at the heart of web marketing. An Internet advertising campaign distributes appeal messages to potential customers and buyers. It offers products and/or services, with calls to action to make the purchase. Office Web specializes in the generation of dynamic content for web sites and digital marketing campaigns:
- We position web pages with text and images designed for keyword groups.
- We create articles, videos and other useful and understandable materials. The goal is to increase usability of your websiteyour positioning in Google and other search engines.
- We elaborate content generation strategies in the short, medium and long term.
Creation and management of content for social networks
The contents in the world of digital marketing are texts, videos, images or audios. These clearly and transparently reflect a promotional message, an offer or a corporate identity.
Content creation is the heart of digital marketing. It nurtures all the links in the company's advertising communication chain: blog articles on the website, social media posts, e-mail marketing, Google and Facebook campaigns and much more!
The virtuous circle of content
The virtuous circle of content: a graphic way of explaining why content generation is the king of digital marketing.

Types of digital content
- Videos for Youtube, Vimeo and other platforms.
- Keyword-focused blog copy.
- Books, magazines and brochures.
- Podcasts, interviews, jingles and other sound resources.
- Images, photographs and infographics.
SEO content marketing
Content is designed to give visibility to a web page and improve its ranking in search engines, identify a brand or company with certain products or services. This activity is called content marketing. SEO-oriented content marketing is nowadays a fundamental part of a company's digital strategy. SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization". In English: search engine optimization.
Office Web is a digital content generator oriented to SEO positioning. Among the digital content agencies in Mexico, Office Web stands out for its innovative creative process management system. We integrate specialists from different areas in the marketing strategy. Our method has almost 10 years of experience in the market.

What is the content creation process like?
The process of creating content for social networks, digital marketing campaigns and other products that require creative writing begins with a detailed study of the client's identity and digital assets. These are: website, social networks, traffic, impact, lead generation systems, etc.
We then track your SEO positioning in Google for your target keywords, and analyze the competitive leaders in the market.
Finally, packages of words are chosen for positioning, according to the degree of difficulty observed for each one.
The 4 steps in the creation of a content strategy
- Analysis of the target audience, potential customers and services offered.
- Analysis of the positioning of the competition in search engines.
- Choice of market niches, depending on the associated keywords.
- Definition of message formats (text, audio, video) and creation of content pieces.

Why work with an SEO content creation agency?
Depending on the size of the company, there are many reasons to work with an SEO content agency:
- A digital marketing agency that works with SEO positioning effectively saves a lot of money on Google ads. It also saves money on social media campaigns and other resources to achieve visibility of digital assets.
- The creation of professional texts, designed with SEO in mind, is a task of increasing complexity. It requires specialized tools, software and data sets.
- The price of keeping digital assets "in the shadows" (hidden, or with low visibility in search engines) is very high. Moreover, it is a precious gift to the competition!
- Digital marketing is currently the most economical and effective way to promote products and services, public relations and customer service.